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Importing Your Clients & Transactions
Kayla Latta avatar
Written by Kayla Latta
Updated over 2 months ago

The information in this article is only applicable for Admin and TC users.

We know you understand your data better than anyone (including us), and that's why we ask clients to convert their data into our import template (unless they're using CTE) to ensure accuracy when we import it.

Also, not all fields are required, so don't worry about trying to fill in every single one.

Topics in this article:

Before you begin...

Before you begin, we recommend you have your users imported first. For help importing users into Sisu, check out this article in our Knowledge Base. πŸ“™

Importing Transactions into Sisu

  1. Download one of the following templates:

    • Excel template: Click here to download this template.

    • Google Sheets template: Click here to download this template. Make a copy of it once it's downloaded.

      Note: One way to make a copy of a Google Template is to open the template and go to File > Make a Copy. If the "Make a Copy" button is grayed out, check out this article in our Knowledge Base for some troubleshooting tips.

  2. Open your copy of the template, and enter in as much information as you can. Each transaction should be on a separate row. If there's an asterisk in a column header, the column is required.

    Note: If you want an in-depth overview of the template, see the section in this article called A Deep Dive into the Transaction Import Spreadsheet.

  3. When you're finished, save your changes.

  4. Submit your completed template for import directly by visiting:

πŸ’¬ If you need any assistance completing the template or have additional questions log into Sisu and use the chat bubble to share the import spreadsheet with one of our Customer Success team members. They will be happy to assist with your submission.

ℹ️ If you're importing transactions prior to users please see the section below Activating Inactive Users.

Activating Inactive Users

If your transactions were imported before your users then any users assigned to imported transactions were added to your user roster as inactive users. If you'd like to activate any of these users, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Users.

  2. Click the Filter drop-down in the top-right corner, and select Inactive. This will show you all inactive users.

  3. For each user you want to activate, click the Edit drop-down arrow and select Activate.

ℹ️ If you need to purchase additional user licenses to make users active check out this article in our Knowledge Base! πŸ“™

Adding Agent Splits to the Transaction Import Template

Key Takeaways

  1. A second or third agent split can be added to transactions via the import template

  2. Three (3) additional columns will be added to the template for each split

  3. For 'Agent Amount Paid' either dollar amounts or percentages can be used (but not mixed within a single column)

    *Example data as added to the Transaction Import Template

A Deep Dive into the Transaction Import Spreadsheet

About the Fields in Your Import Sheet


Description: This defines whether the transaction is a buyer or seller
Maximum length: 1
Format: characters 'b' or 's'. 'b' = Buyer; 's' = Seller
Example: "b"


Description: The date that the transaction settled/closed
Maximum length 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Transaction amount
Maximum length: 10
Format: Numeric
Example: "300000"


Description: Gross Commission amount. This is the total commission collected from the client before anyone is paid on the deal.
Maximum length: 10
Example: "6000"


Description: The total amount paid to ALL agents on the deal. Your team/company's income will be derived from gross_commission_amount MINUS paid_income_to_agents. There is no need to input your team or company income on the spreadsheet, simply keep the above formula in mind.
Maximum length: 10
Example: "2000"


Description: The agent who closed the deal. Ideally first name and last name.

Note: You can add 2nd or 3rd agents on using the fields at the end of the spreadsheet.
Maximum length: 255
Example: "Ed Harley"


Description: Client first name
Maximum length: 70
Example: "Frank"


Description: Client last name
Maximum length: 70
Example: "Burns"


Description: The date the client/listing went under contract
Maximum length 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Date the client signed a buyer broker/listing agency agreement
Maximum length: 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Client lead source
Maximum length: 100
Example: "Zillow"


Description: Optional unique identity for the client/transaction
Maximum length: 255
Example: "3422-3333-aaaa"


Description: Date the client was added to the system/sheet
Maximum length: 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Property address line 1
Maximum length 255
Example: "432 Eastern Road"


Description: Property address line 2
Maximum length 255
Example: "Route 4"


Description: Property city
Maximum length: 55
Example: "Salt Lake City"


Description: Property state
Maximum length 2
Format: 2-character US state abbreviation
Example: "UT"


Description: Property postal code
Maximum length 10
Example: "84121-1111" or "84121"


Description: Client email address
Format: email address
Example: "[email protected]"


Description: Client mobile phone number
Format: Numeric phone number, digits only
Example: "8015554444"


Description: Client home phone number
Maximum length: 20
Example: "8015554444"


Description: Date of first client appointment Set
Maximum length: 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Date the client first went on an appointment to discuss buying/selling
Maximum length: 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Date of listing
Maximum length: 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: The date your agents were paid their commissions
Maximum length: 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Date client lead given
Maximum length: 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Number of showings
Maximum length: 2
Format: Numeric
Example: "2"


Description: The amount the property was originally listed for (this is used to track the difference between listing price and settlement price)
Maximum length: 10
Format: Numeric
Example: "500000"


Description: Commission amount
Maximum length 10
Example: "2000"


Description: Commission rate percentage
Maximum length: 10
Example: "4" or "6.25"


Description: Team income on a transaction
Maximum length: 10
Example: "2000"


Description: Additional fees part of the transaction
Maximum length: 10
Example: "2000"


Description: Date of offer
Maximum length: 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Date of seller disclosure
Maximum length: 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Date of due diligence deadline
Maximum length: 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Date of financing appraisal deadline
Maximum length 12
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Example: "2018-01-01"


Description: Client title company
Maximum length 100
Example: "First American Title"


Description: Client mortgage company
Maximum length: 100
Example: "Citywide Mortgage"


Description: Home warranty company
Maximum length: 100
Example: "Swire Home Warranty"


Description: Home inspection company
Maximum length: 100
Example: "Trace's Inspections"


Description: Escrow company
Maximum length: 100
Example: "Vanguard Escrow and Title"


Description: Client or transaction notes
Maximum length: 255
Example: "Client wants this rushed"

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