You can update the following key dates directly from the Record screen:
1st Time Appointment Set
1st Time Appointment Met
1st Showing Date
1st Offer Date
Signed Date
Under Contract Date
Forecasted Closed Date
Closed (Settlement) Date
When you update a key date using the Record screen, this updates the transaction and it updates counts on the Dashboard. To update key dates from the Record screen, do the following:
1. In the sidebar on the left, click Record. This opens the Record screen.
2. Click a transaction tile at the top of the screen.
ℹ️ Note
The Under Contract tile allows you to change both the Under Contract Date and the Forecasted Closed Date.
3. In the pop-up that appears, click the Search For a Transaction field, and enter any of the following information to pull up an existing transaction:
transaction ID
client's first name
client's last name
zip code
4. Select a transaction from the list that appears.
5. Click the date field and use the date finder to select a date. (The name of this field depends on the transaction tile you click.)
ℹ️ Note
These fields correspond to a key date field in Sisu. On your forms, these dates are highlighted in a color chosen by your team.
6. Click Submit.
ℹ️ Note
When you click the "Submit" button, this updates the date in the specified transaction, and it updates counts on the Circles Dashboard (see screenshot below).