If you need to send transaction details and even documents to an individual transaction participant, a group of transaction participants, or a non-transaction participant, these are the quick steps.
Topics in this article:
Emailing Transaction Details
1. Navigate to Transactions > Transactions.
2. Click in-line with a transaction to open it.
3. Click the Form drop-down and select a transaction form.
4. Click the email icon at the top of the form or the Share Form button at the bottom. This opens the Share Transaction Form window.
Default Message Content
By default, we populate the Message box with the fields from the form and any corresponding data.
Send To
The Send To drop-down allows you to select any of the transaction participants or even Sisu users. We group your transaction participants and Sisu users; however, the quick search allows you to search for your desired email participant.
Send To (Other)
In addition to Sisu users and transaction participants, you can email any email address.
Email Template
If admins have created any email templates, they'll appear in this field. Email templates allow admins to save a prewritten email that can then be applied to other emails. When you select an email template from this field, the template content replaces anything that's currently in the Message box.
Message Customization
Below is a list of some options available for customizing the look of your email.
Table Insert - Click the icon then select the size of table you need. Once a table has been inserted click into the table to customize further or delete the table.
Set Text Color / Fill Color - Highlight any text you'd like to add color to then select the icon to add text color or fill color.
Insert Horizontal Line - Select where you'd like to insert a horizontal line then click the icon to insert.
Font Sizing - Click the icon then scroll up or down to select a larger or smaller font size.
Clear Formatting - Click the icon to clear any customization. This cannot be undone.
Insert Link - You can either click the icon to insert a link then enter your text, or highlight text in your template and click the icon to insert a link.
Insert Image - Click the icon then paste in the image URL. Once the image is inserted you can click it for further customization.
Including Files on the Email
The Include Files box shows all the documents that have already been added to the transaction. Click 1 or more checkboxes to add links to those documents in the email.
If you would like the documents selected in the Include Files box added as attachments instead of links, click the "Attachments" checkbox.
Previewing the Email
Before you send your email, click the "Preview Message" button. You'll be able to see exactly what the email will look like to your email recipients.