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Task Management For Agents

How to easily manage your tasks as an Agent in Sisu.

Kayla Zeigler avatar
Written by Kayla Zeigler
Updated over a month ago

Topics in this article:

Managing Tasks Within A Transaction

To manage your assigned tasks within a transaction in Sisu you'll first want to navigate to the transaction. You can do so by selecting Transactions from the left side menu and selecting either Transactions or My Transactions.

From here you'll want to open the transaction you want to work on. To navigate directly to Tasks you can select Tasks from the Edit drop down menu. You can also click into the transaction and select the Tasks tab from the top toolbar.

(click the gif to enlarge your view)

This will allow you to view and manage the Tasks assigned to your transaction.

The default view allows you to view all Tasks assigned, however you can choose to view one specific Task List at a time.

You'll be able to update the Task Status on any Tasks assigned to you.

If you need to update the due date on any of your Tasks you can click into the Task and update via the date picker.

Managing Tasks Within The Task Manager

Sisu offers several viewing options within the Task Manager. Here's how to utilize each:

Task List

From the left side menu select Task Manager > Task List. This view is very similar to the Tasks view within a transaction. You're able to filter the list by Due Status, Task Status and Transaction Stage.

A search bar, available in the upper, right corner of the page, allows you to search Tasks by keyword. Additionally each column can be sorted ascending or descending by simply clicking the column header. Clicking into the Task will allow you to edit.

Task Board

From the left side menu select Task Manager > Task Board. This view is similar to the Transaction Stages Board view. Each column represents a Task Status. You can easily drag and drop Tasks to update the status. Clicking into the Task will allow you to edit.

Task Calendar

From the left side menu select Task Manager > Task Calendar. This view provides a calendar view of your Tasks. Toggle the calendar view by month, week or day. Clicking into the Task will allow you to edit.

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