Every 2 weeks, we push out (or "release") new features, improvements, and bug fixes to our production environment (app.sisu.co). In this article, you can see a history of all those changes for 2025. The most recent release is always at the top, followed by past releases. Use the table of contents to the right to easily jump to past releases
March 5
New Features
Improvements to existing functionality:
New Features
Filters Added To Snapshot
Similar to other areas of Sisu, like the Transaction Page and Dashboards, you can now apply filters to the Snapshot page.
Viewing ISA Dashboards
To view your ISA data on the Team or Personal Dashboards use the "Appt Set by ISA" filter option.
Bug Fixes
Some fields were rendering incorrectly as field ID's on the Transaction Stages Board. We fixed this.
The Tasks Overdue Leaderboard wouldn't load on the Team Dashboard or within Display Mode. This has been resolved.
Clients with transactions on more than one Sisu team were unable to access the Client Portal. This was corrected.
February 28
New Features
New Features
New & Improved Challenges
Challenges are now available in Next! π To create a new Challenge navigate to Admin > Challenges. You can toggle between "Create A New Challenge" and "View Challenges" via the tabs at the top:
To view your created Challenges you'll want to navigate to the Challenges page where you'll find two tabs available to view: Rankings and Challenge Boards.
The Rankings tab offers a view of all user's ranked by their total points across all Challenges. At the top of the page the top 3 users are highlighted with prominent tiles showcasing their rank and total points. All users and their respective rankings are displayed below in a detailed table.
The Challenge Boards tab provides a detailed breakdown of each individual Challenge. Each Challenge will display user rankings along with their points and counts. The total number of participants will also be shown as well as the total number of "units" contributing to the Challenge points.
Additional information can be found in this section of the Knowledge Base. π
February 20
Improvements to existing functionality:
"Lead Agent" Field Added To Task Detail
When viewing a Task within a transaction or the Task Manager you can now quickly identify the agent assigned to the transaction via the "Lead Agent" field.
Bug Fixes
Some items on Display Mode were clickable to certain user roles when they should've have been. We fixed this.
The "Allow Only Admins and TCs to Approve Document Uploads" setting wasn't functioning correctly. This has been resolved.
Agent users weren't able to view required documents. This was fixed.
The "Hide" feature was not functioning on the Transaction Stages and Transaction Statuses boards. We corrected this.
Custom fields beginning with a number and used as merge fields in Notification Templates were preventing Task Notifications from rendering. We've resolved this.
Inactive ISA users were not included in the "Appt Set by ISA" filter field. They are now available.
February 5
New Features:
Improvements to existing functionality:
New Features
Active Listings & Buyers Report
This report is now available in Next! To access the report navigate to Reports > Production > Active Listings & Buyers.
Utilize the Status drop-down at the top to quickly view your team's Signed (Coming Soon) Listings, Live Listings, Listings Under Contract or Buyers Under Contract.
"Exclude Lost" Added To Filter Options
We've added a checkbox to the filter options that allows you to view or hide Lost transactions. This can be found by clicking the filter icon and scrolling down to the "Exclude Lost" checkbox.
Bug Fixes
The transaction agent was missing from the "Assigned To" dropdown selections within the Task Manager. We fixed this.
The tasks within the Task Manager were not listed in order of due date. This was resolved and the tasks are now listed oldest to newest by default.
When viewing assigned tasks within a transaction the tasks were listed in reverse order, showing the last task in the list first. This was fixed.
Users were encountering an error when attempting to filter transactions by TC when the user selected was an Admin. We corrected this.
When updating task due dates manually in Classic these updates were not reflecting in Next. This has been corrected.
Some users were experiencing server errors when trying to save transaction forms with the "GCI" and/or "Gross Agent Paid" amounts entered as $0. This was resolved.
The "Lost" transaction status was not appearing as an option within the "Status" field drop-down. We fixed this. When the "Lost Date" field is added to a form the Lost status will appear as a selectable option in the "Status" drop-down.
The checkbox for "Autocomplete Document Type" was selectable when creating/editing a Task Notification. This was causing Notifications to send prematurely. We resolved this by removing the checkbox for Task Notifications.
When viewing tasks in Admin > Tasks > Edit Tasks the "Auto Assign To" column was rendering as blank when a TC was selected. This has been corrected.
Some users reported the 'Days To Closing' counter in the Client Portal was rendering incorrectly. We fixed this.
January 22
Bug Fixes
Completed Tasks were appearing on the Task Calendar. This has been corrected and now only To Do and In Progress Tasks will appear on the calendar.
Vendors were not displayed on the Transaction Stage Board cards even when the "Display Assigned Vendors on Card" setting was enabled. We fixed this.
Users were unable to manually resend Task Notifications. This has been resolved.
January 8
Improvements to existing functionality:
Updates To Documents View Within Transactions
We've made a couple of updates to the functionality of the Documents page within a Transaction in order to improve user experience.
The Required Files list is now easily visible, selectable and collapsible.
Easily identify Document statuses found on the left side of each Document Type:
Document hasn't been uploaded
Document has been uploaded but hasn't been reviewed
Document has been uploaded, reviewed and approved
Document has been uploaded, reviewed but rejected
Year Scope Selector Added To CEO/Admin Dashboard
A year scope selector has been added to the CEO/Admin Dashboard, making it easier for users to view data from previous years. The scope can be found in the upper, right corner of the Dashboard.
Viewable Tasks Increased On Task Calendar
Due to increased utilization of our Task Management functionality we have updated the limit of visible Tasks on the Task Calendar.
Per Page View Selections Now Save On Transactions Page & Task Manager
When selecting to increase the transactions viewable per page on the Transactions Page (shown in screenshot below) or the Tasks viewable per page on the Task Manager your selections will now save when navigating to and from the page.
Added New Predefined Date Selections
We've added 2 new predefined date selections: 'Next 7 Days' and 'Last 2 Weeks'. These can be used anywhere you find the predefined date selector.
Links Within Task Descriptions Now Clickable
When a website URL is added to a Task description the URL will now be clickable by clicking into the Task and then hovering over the Task description.
Bug Fixes
When selecting to view the Payment Details from the Transaction Page the breakdown was missing any adjustments added in the Final Adjustments section on the Commission Form. This has been corrected.
Users were encountering a server error when changing the selected Status filter on page 2+ within a Transaction's Tasks and and in the Task Manager. We fixed this.
Users were seeing an issue with formatting when sending a Task Notification from the Send Queue that included HTML input via Classic. This has been resolved.
Yes/No type Transaction Form Field types were defaulting to 'No' when a selection wasn't made in the field. We've corrected this. Now if a selection isn't made the field will show as 'Select One'.
Tasks were not appearing on the correct due date within the Task Calendar due to a timezone issue. This was fixed.