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Active Listings & Buyers Report Overview
Active Listings & Buyers Report Overview
Kayla Latta avatar
Written by Kayla Latta
Updated over a month ago

The Active Listings & Buyers Report is an excellent place to view all seller type transactions that are currently in the Signed, Live Listing, or Pending statuses. Additionally, it also displays current Pending buyer transactions.

Utilize the Status drop-down at the top to quickly view your team's Signed (Coming Soon) Listings, Live Listings, Listings Under Contract or Buyers Under Contract.

Signed (Coming Soon) Listings

This selection will render a list of seller type transactions that are currently in the Signed status.

Live Listings

This selection will render a list of seller type transactions that have dates entered into the "Signed Date" field and the "MLS Live Date" field. These transactions will be in the Live Listing status.

ℹ️ Please note: If a seller transaction has an MLS Live date but no Signed date, it will not appear in this section.

Listings Under Contract

This selection will render a list of seller type transactions that are currently in the Pending status.

Buyers Under Contract

This selection will render a list of buyer type transactions that are currently in the Pending status.

The Count at the top of each section indicates the total number of transactions within that status.

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