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Agent / Team Production Report Overview
Agent / Team Production Report Overview
Lindsey Baker avatar
Written by Lindsey Baker
Updated over 3 months ago

The Agent / Team Production Report is a great way to see your entire team's business at a glance. This includes Pending and Closed Units for each person as well as Closed Volume and GCI. This will also break down what percentage of your business comes from each agent.

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Filtering The Report

There are several filtering options available at the top of the report allowing you to view the exact data you're looking for.

Filters available:

  • Scope: Select to view your whole team, a specific group, individual agents, ISA's or inactive agents.

  • Type: Select to view Buyer transactions, Seller transactions or All transactions.

  • Agents: Select to view active or inactive agents.

  • Predefined Date Ranges: Quickly view date ranges such as Last Month, This Year, Q4, etc. with just one click.

  • Custom Date Range: Select any custom date range from the calendar picker.

  • Show Agents With Zero Production: Toggle to view your whole team or just agents who are producing.

You can also download this report into a .csv file by clicking the download button.

Explaining The Tiles At The Top Of The Report

These tiles found at the top of the Agent/Team Production Report show how much volume has closed, how many units have closed, what units are currently pending, what the average transaction amount is, and what the total GCI is. Note that these numbers will change based off of how you use the scope options at the top of the page.

In this section we will go over each tile and how they are calculated.

Volume Closed

The orange number in this tile represents the total rounded volume of all closed transactions included on the report. The number underneath is the exact total volume.

How is this number calculated?

Transactions with a Closed (Settlement) Date that fall within the date range you are viewing in the report will be counted towards this number. The data is pulled directly from the “Transaction Amount” field entered on your Transaction Form(s) or the Commission Form.

Units Closed

The number in this tile represents a total of transactions that were closed within the date range you are viewing in the report.

How is this number calculated?

Any transaction with a Closed (Settlement) Date that falls within the date range you are viewing in the report will be counted towards this number.

Units Pending

The number in this tile represents a total of transactions that are currently in the Pending status.

How is this number calculated?

Transactions will be in the Pending status when the most recent status date field is the Under Contract Date.

Avg Transaction Amount

The orange number in this tile represents the rounded average Transaction Amount for the Closed transactions you are viewing in the report. The number below is the exact average.

How is this number calculated?

This number is calculated by taking the sum of the Transaction Amounts for all Closed transactions included in the report and dividing that sum by the total number of Closed transactions. An amount can be entered into the “Transaction Amount” field on your Transaction Form(s) or the Commission Form.

Total GCI

The orange number in this tile represents the total rounded Gross Commission Income for all Closed transactions you are viewing in the report. The number below is the exact amount.

How is this number calculated?

This number is calculated by totaling the amounts in the GCI field for all Closed transactions included in the report. An amount can be entered into the “GCI" field on your Transaction Form(s) or the Commission Form.

Explaining Each Column In The Report

In this section we will explain each column on the report. Note that results are based off of the options you have selected in the scope(s) at the top of the report.

Agent: What agent you are seeing the data for.

Status: If they are an active or inactive user.

Pending: How many transactions they currently have Pending.

Closed: How many transactions they have Closed within the date range selected in the scope at the top of the report.

Closed Volume: Total Volume of those Closed transactions.

GCI: Total Gross Commission Income of those Closed transactions.

GCI Average: The average GCI% of those Closed transactions. The percentage can be found in the “GCI" field on your Transaction Form(s) or the Commission Form.

At Bat: The number of total opportunities this agent had within the date range selected in the scope at the top of the report. The At Bat total can be incremented manually added by navigating to Admin > Lead Sources.

Currently the navigation steps are not yet available in Next. As we are working towards releasing this feature please follow the navigational steps in Sisu Classic. Thank you! More information on At Bats can be found in this article.

% of Total Units: What % of the Closed Units total was contributed by each agent.

% of Total Volume: What % of the Closed Volume total was contributed by each agent.

GCI%: What % of the teams GCI total was contributed by each agent.

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