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Listing Price Changes Report Overview
Listing Price Changes Report Overview
Kayla Zeigler avatar
Written by Kayla Zeigler
Updated over a week ago

The Listing Price Changes Report is a valuable tool for tracking any price changes made on your live listings. By providing a clear overview of these price changes the report enables better decision making and more strategic planning based on market trends.

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Filtering The Report

There are several filtering options available at the top of the report allowing you to view the exact data you're looking for.

Filters available:

  • Scope Adjustment: Switch between viewing data for the entire team or for individual agents to gain detailed insights as needed -

  • Date Range Customization: Easily adjust the date range at the top of the report to focus on a specific timeframe -

Additionally every column in the report can be sorted by low to high or A to Z just by clicking the header of the column -

How Are Transactions Included In This Report?

Seller type transactions will drop into this report when the amount entered into the Transaction Amount field is updated.

๐Ÿ”ธ Please note:

Transactions must contain the following in order to be included in this report:

  • The Transaction Type field must be selected as Seller

  • A date must be entered into the Signed Date field

  • A date must be entered into the MLS Live Date field

We can see that transaction "Sherlock Holmes" has been included in the report -

This is because an update was made to the Transaction Amount field within this transaction -

The report outlines that the Transaction Amount was decreased by $8,000 in the Total Change column. The report also calculates that this decrease was 1.03% of the original Transaction Amount in the % Change column.

Decreases in the Transaction Amount will be listed in red text. Increases will be listed in green text -

How To Track Multiple Price Changes

The report also offers the following columns to provide additional data:

  • Change Count: how many times the Transaction Amount has changed -

  • Average Change: a calculated average of any increases and decreases in the Transaction Amount

  • Min Amount: the lowest the Transaction Amount has been since a Signed Date and an MLS Live Date was entered

  • Max Amount: the highest the Transaction Amount has been since a Signed Date and an MLS Live Date was entered

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