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3 Sample Roadmap Templates
Alex Masterson avatar
Written by Alex Masterson
Updated over a week ago

For those who don't know where to start when it comes to building roadmap templates, here are a few sample roadmap templates that you can use. Customize them however you wish or copy and paste what you see here directly into Sisu! It's up to you.

⚠️ Important Note!

In the sample roadmaps in this article, you'll see a Sisu date or Sisu task in each step.

All of these Sisu Dates have equivalent fields that need to be added to Sisu forms.

All of these Sisu Tasks need to be added to a task list in Sisu.

πŸ“– Note

If you need help creating new roadmap templates or adding steps to a template, check out this article in our Knowledge Base.

Sample Roadmaps:

  • "Buyer Under Contract" Template

  • "Let's List Your Home" Template

  • "Seller Under Contract" Template

Use the table of contents on the right side of the screen to jump to a particular topic

"Buyer Under Contract" Template

Step 1

  • Step Name: Congratulations, you are under contract!!

  • Sisu Date: Under Contract Date

  • Description: Congratulations, the Seller has accepted your offer!

Step 2

  • Step Name: Your Earnest Money is Due!

  • Sisu Date: Earnest Money Due Date

  • Description:

    Earnest Money must be deposited within FOUR calendar days of the contract being accepted. A team member will call you to confirm wiring instructions or other options of how to deposit your Earnest Money.

    ***Most title companies are closed Saturday, Sunday, and major holidays, so consider this when thinking about this deadline.

Step 3

  • Step Name: Your Inspection is up Next!

  • Sisu Task: Schedule Inspections

  • Description: [no description necessary]

Step 4

  • Step Name: Review Seller Disclosures

  • Sisu Date: Seller Disclosure Deadline

  • Description: The Seller is required to provide you with information regarding their knowledge of the Property over the course of their ownership. You will have access to these files in the folders tab within this portal.

Step 5

  • Step Name: Due Diligence Deadline

  • Sisu Date: Due Diligence Deadline

  • Description: Your Inspection should be completed by this date. We will review the inspection together and decide if there are any repairs we need to request prior to the deadline.

Step 6

  • Step Name: It's Time for Your Final Walkthrough!

  • Sisu Date: Walk Through Date

  • Description: Before closing, a member of our team will meet you at the property to perform a final walkthrough to ensure all requested repairs are completed.

Step 7

  • Step Name: Financing and Appraisal Deadline

  • Sisu Date: Financing and Appraisal Deadline

  • Description: Your Loan Officer will order your appraisal. We MUST have the appraisal back PRIOR to this deadline in case there are any issues with it. During this time work closely with your Loan Officer to ensure any Lender conditions are being met.

Step 8

  • Step Name: Order Home Warranty

  • Sisu Task: Order Home Warranty

  • Description: Our team recommends ARW for your home warranty. Feel free to compare plans and prices with other companies. If you would like to use a different company, please let us know.

Step 9

  • Step Name: Congratulations, it's Closing Day!

  • Sisu Date: Closed (Settlement) Date

  • Description:

    Closing should happen on or before this date. As closing approaches, we will reach out to coordinate a time with you and your title/escrow company.

    Note: You will not have access to your home until money has funded and title is recorded.

"Let's List Your Home" Template

Step 1

  • Step Name: Listing Appointment

  • Sisu Date: 1st time Appt Met

  • Description: Your agent cannot wait to meet you and learn more about your property! Before this appointment, please gather any information regarding home improvements, new appliances, or anything you want to make sure your agent knows about your home!

Step 2

  • Step Name: Let's Sell Your Home

  • Sisu Date: Signed Date

  • Description: Our team is working to get everything ready to list your home on the MLS!

Step 3

  • Step Name: Sign Install Date

  • Sisu Date: Sign Install Date

  • Description: First step, let's get the sign in your yard. πŸ™Œ

Step 4

  • Step Name: MLS Live Date

  • Sisu Date: MLS Live Date

  • Description: Today your home goes live on the MLS and will be available for showings based on your schedule!

Step 5

  • Step Name: Open House Date

  • Task or Date: Open House Date

  • Description: Open Houses are great ways to get buyers in to look at your home, even if they don't yet have a real estate agent! Our team will market the open house on the MLS as well as our social media channels!

Step 6

  • Step Name: Ready for your close up?! It's Photo Day!

  • Sisu Date: Photographer Date

  • Description: We want to make sure your home looks its best in all our advertising and on the MLS. Today, a professional real estate photographer will come to photograph your home's interior as well as the exterior.

"Seller Under Contract" Template

Step 1

  • Step Name: Congratulations, You are Under Contract!!

  • Sisu Date: Under Contract Date

  • Description:

    Congratulations, we are halfway there!

    Our team will work closely with you to make this process as easy as possible. I will introduce you to our Transaction Coordinator in the coming days.

Step 2

  • Step Name: Seller Disclosure Deadline

  • Sisu Date: Seller Disclosure Deadline

  • Description: Make sure your disclosures are completed, so we can share them with the Buyer.

Step 3

  • Step Name: Buyer's Home Inspection

  • Sisu Date: Due Diligence Deadline

  • Description: The buyer is required to complete any inspections AND request any repairs before the Due Diligence Deadline. Your agent will be in touch regarding any requested repairs.

Step 4

  • Step Name: Financing and Appraisal Deadline

  • Sisu Date: Financing and Appraisal Deadline

  • Description: The Buyer must have the appraisal back prior to this deadline in case there are any issues with it.

Step 5

  • Step Name: It's Closing Day!!

  • Sisu Date: Closed (Settlement) Date

  • Description:

    Closing should happen on or before this date. As closing approaches, we will reach out to coordinate a time with you and your title/escrow company.

    Note: It may take a few days to fund and record, at which point your home is officially sold.

Step 6

  • Step Name: Buyer's Earnest Money Due

  • Sisu Date: Earnest Money Due Date

  • Description: [no description necessary]

Step 7

  • Step Name: Get the keys to your new home!!

  • Sisu Date: Possession Date

  • Description:


    Once the purchase is recorded, we will be in contact with you to get the keys to your new home!

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