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Customizing Your Team Settings
Kayla Zeigler avatar
Written by Kayla Zeigler
Updated over a week ago

The information in this article is accessible only by Admin and TC users in Sisu.

In this article we will review each section located under Admin > Team Settings.

Topics in this article:

Team Settings > Profile

Team Info

  • Team Name: This is the team name that will be displayed throughout your account. (The upper left drop down in your Account, Reports, Commission Form/CDA, etc.)

  • Timezone: Make sure to select your team's correct time zone here.

  • Primary Team Owner: If the MLS rules in your state require that all client facing materials and or marketing must show the agent as the “CO-Agent” and the team lead as the Agent of Record then select the Team Owner here.

  • Team Owner Label: What you want the team owner labeled as. (ex: Team Lead, Lead Agent, etc)

  • Agent Label: What you want your agent's to be labeled as. (ex: Primary Agent, CO-Agent, etc)

🔸 Note: If these are set they will be used in the Client Portal and all applicable client facing applications.


This is where you'll input your team's address. This will be used on the CDA:


This is where you'll select your delivery window for Task Notifications. The hours selected here will dictate when task notifications send. If the Task Notification is triggered outside of your delivery window it will send at the start of the next delivery window.

🔸 Example: If your delivery window is set for standard business hours, 8am to 5pm, and a Task Notification is triggered on a transaction at 10pm the Notification will not send until 8am the following day.

Team Settings > Notifications

Team Notification Settings

  • Daily Task Reminder: Enable this setting if you'd like users on your team to receive a reminder email every day they have tasks due/overdue.

  • Blackout Days: These dates are an exception to your notification window, which means that Task Notifications won't be sent on these dates. You can select specific holidays or days of the week.

    🔸 Note: If you don't want emails sent on weekends, simply select the "Adhere to Business Hours" checkbox. You can find this setting in Admin > Tasks > Edit Tasks.

  • Custom Blackout Dates: Click 'Add New' to create your own custom blackout date.

Team Settings > Document Folders

Utilize Document Folders to setup and organize your document storage within Sisu. Default folders are setup for 'Client Uploads' and 'General'. The eye icon means the folder is visible to your clients in the Client Portal:

Creating Folders

Simply follow these steps to create new Document Folders:

  1. Click the Add New Folder button

  2. Fill out the Folder Name field.

  3. Select which Transaction Type(s) this folder will apply to.

  4. Select your Folder Access Permissions by using the checkboxes.

  5. Click Submit.

Team Settings > Transaction Boards

This section allows you to choose the form fields that appear on the transaction cards on the Transaction Stages Board as well as the Transaction Statuses Board.

Drag and drop fields from Available Fields to Displayed Fields:

To remove fields from the Boards simply drag and drop them from Displayed Fields back to Available Fields.

You can also utilize the arrow icons to move fields:

Team Settings > View Restrictions

Non-Admin Agent Restricted Leaderboards

Here is where you can select which Leaderboards you'd like viewable to your Agents. Simply select to Restrict or Display in the Status column -

Snapshot, Dashboard, and Transactions

You can select to Restrict or Display various elements of Sisu from specific user roles with the settings in this section.

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