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Setting Up Your Commissions
Kayla Latta avatar
Written by Kayla Latta
Updated this week

The information in this article is accessible only by Admin and TC users in Sisu.

Setting up your commissions will unlock powerful reporting capabilities within Sisu, providing you with comprehensive insights and streamlined tracking.

Topics in this article:

Creating Adjustment Entities

You'll want to set up your Adjustment Entities prior to the Adjustment Categories. Adjustment Entities are who you are going to pay outside of your business.

To create an Adjustment Entity follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Commissions > Adjustment Entities.

  2. In the Adjustment Entities section at the top click the Create New button.

  3. In the Name field, type in the name of the person or business you are paying.

    ℹ️ Please note: You do not need to create an Entity for your Sisu team or for any users on your Sisu user roster.

  4. Check the On CDA box if you'd like this entity visible on the CDA. If you do not want to the entity visible on the CDA uncheck the box.

  5. Click Create.

Creating Adjustment Categories

Prior to setting up your Adjustment Categories be sure you have first setup your Adjustment Entities (mentioned above). Adjustment Categories are why you are paying someone.

To create an Adjustment Category follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Commissions > Adjustment Entities.

  2. In the Create a Category section, in the Name field at the top type in the name of the adjustment. Ex: Transaction Fee, Showing Agent, Referral Fee, etc.

  3. Select whether this adjustment is a Deduct or an Add. Is this a deduction from the agent, team, or brokerage or is it money being added to the commission?

  4. In the Type dropdown select how you'd like to calculate this adjustment.
    Choose Amount if you want the adjustment to deduct or add a flat amount.

    Choose Percent if you want the adjustment to deduct or add a percentage calculated on one of the following options:

    • Paid Income

    • GCI

    • Adjusted GCI

    • Transaction Amount

  5. Select a pre-defined Entity.

    If the adjustment is a Deduct the Entity is who is receiving the amount.

    If the adjustment is an Add the Entity is who paying the amount.

  6. If applicable, in the Apply To section select one of the following:

    Transaction Fee: Select this option for adjustments that you want labeled as transaction fees.
    ​Apply to Brokerage Cap: Select this option for adjustments that contribute to the brokerage cap.
    ​Apply to Royalty Cap: Select this option for adjustments that contribute to the royalty cap.

  7. Click Add.

πŸ“™ For information on applying Adjustments to the Commission Form check out this KB article.

CDA Instructions

You can create CDA instructions to eliminate the need for users to write them from scratch each time they need to generate and print a CDA. Additionally, you can create multiple versions of the CDA instructions, tailored to different scenarios.

To create CDA Instructions navigate to Admin > Commissions > CDA and follow these steps:

  1. In the Create CDA Instruction Template section at the top of the page, enter a Name in the field. This will be what users see in the Commission Form when they are selecting which instructions to apply to the CDA.

  2. Enter details into the Instruction Body field.

  3. Check the Default box if you'd like these instructions to populate by default. Users will still have the ability to manually apply a different set of instructions.

  4. Click Create. This creates a new version of CDA instructions and adds the new version to the Commission Instructions section below.

You can select a set of instructions as the default by clicking the "Set as Default" button to the right of the instructions in the Commission Instructions section. If this button appears faded that version has already been selected as the default.

The CDA instructions will appear at the bottom of the Commission Form:

πŸ“™ For information on how to generate, print, and email the CDA via the Commission Form check out this KB article.

Commission Preferences

Currently some Commission Settings are not yet available in Next. As we are working towards releasing these features please follow the navigational steps in Sisu Classic. Thank you!

Various options are available to customize your commissions in Sisu, this includes how your users can access and edit this data.

Settings affecting the CDA and other aspects of commissions can be found by navigating to:

View restrictions on commission reporting can be found by navigating to Admin > Team Settings > View Restrictions.

By default, only Admin and TC users can view/edit commission forms.

  • If you'd like to grant your Agent and ISA users viewing access you'll want to enable the "Agent/ISA View Of Commission Form" setting found in View Restrictions.

  • If you'd like to grant your Agent and ISA users editing access you'll want to enable the "Allow Agents to edit their own Commission Form" setting found in Preferences.

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