To view your team's Challenges navigate to the Challenges page where you'll find two tabs: Rankings and Challenge Boards.
Topics in this article:
Creating Challenges
To create a new Challenge navigate to Admin > Challenges.
For detailed information on creating Challenges check out this article in our Knowledge Base. 📙
Rankings offers a view of all user's ranked by their total points across all Challenges. At the top of the page the top 3 users are highlighted with prominent tiles showcasing their rank and total points. All users and their respective rankings are displayed below in a detailed table.
Filtering Rankings
Utilize the Active Filters, found on the right side of the page, to personalize the results displayed.
Challenges: Click here to view and search all Challenges that contributed to the user's point total.
Participants: All users, not excluded from Challenges, are selectable. When selecting 2 users the page will display user vs. user.
Categories: All used Challenge Categories are selectable options.
Challenge Types: All used Challenge Types are selectable options.
Statuses: Total number of visible Challenge statuses (Active, Completed) and which statuses are displayed.
Challenge Boards
Challenge Boards provide a detailed breakdown of each individual Challenge. Each Challenge will display user rankings along with their points and counts. The total number of participants will also be shown as well as the total number of "units" contributing to the Challenge points.
Customize how you view Challenges by clicking these icons in the upper, right corner of the Challenge Boards page.
Click the tooltip to view additional details about each individual Challenge.
Filtering Challenges
By default, this page will automatically display results for all active team transactions for the current year. To narrow down the view and see specific Challenges, click the Filter icon in the top-right corner.
Filter options are as follows:
Scope: Options include Team, Team vs Team, Group vs Group, All ISA’s, Groups, and ISA Groups.
Status: Options include All, Active and Completed.
Year: Options include current and previous years.
Select Month: If a month is selected, the option to filter by “Weeks” becomes available.
Date Range:
Inclusive: Select to include Challenges that have a start date or an end date in the specified timeframe.
Exclusive: Select to include Challenges that start and end within the specified timeframe.
The Challenge Summary on the right will display all Challenges that match the currently selected filters. Each listed Challenge is clickable. To view all the Challenges in the summary, click Apply Filter.